The LTIR dataset v1.0
The dataset contains
- 20 thermal infrared sequences, one .png per frame. Some sequences are availbale in both 8- and 16-bits.
- Bounding box annotations of one object per sequence.
- Local per-frame annotations.
We recommend that you use the VOT-evaluation toolkit to perform benchmark tests on the dataset. A tutorial on how to run the toolkit with a different set of sequences is available here.
DOWNLOAD THE 8-/16-BIT DATASET (Full dataset) (3.61GB)
When using this dataset, please cite:
author = {A. Berg and J. Ahlberg and M. Felsberg}
title = {A Thermal Object Tracking Benchmark},
booktitle = {Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS), 2015 12th IEEE International Conference on},
year = {2015}
Included sequences
All sequences included in the LTIR dataset version 1.0 have been listed in the Table below.
The research was funded by the Swedish Research Council through the project ”Learning Systems for Remote Thermography”, grant no. D0570301, as well as by the European Community Framework Programme 7, Privacy Preserving Perimeter Protection Project (P5), grant agreement no. 312784.
The following organisations have contributed with sequences to the dataset.
Questions? Do not hesitate to contact amanda.berg[$]
Last updated: 2015-07-03